
Wednesday, 18 January 2012

faux bonsai

This is a  little project that I started before Christmas,
although I had the concept about four years ago,
when I found this on the beach !

It looked like a miniature tree to me, and so I kept it on a shelf.

And there it sat, until I found this in a charity shop.

The lovely green bonsai pot with a separate base - £1 only !!!

I've always loved bonsai trees, but I think it is a real art to keep them.
I wouldn't want to have a real one and then kill it off.
So, I decided that I could make a faux bonsai.

I put tape in the base of my pot, and clingfilm, in case it all went wrong and
I wanted to get the plaster out.

I used plaster that I had. Mixed it with water, not too runny, but so that
I could poor it into the pot. Stuck the trunk in and put tape across
to hold it upright.

When it was completely dry I cut away the clingfilm ( I couldn't actually lift the
plaster out like I had hoped, but at least I would be able to chip it out,
if it all went wrong) and stuck moss on the plaster.

You can see moss on the branches as well, this was my first attempt !
I didn't like it atall (forgot to take a picture) and cut it all off.

Then I found these little branches on the beach, some bushes had been trimmed.

So this is my second attempt.

But I don't think a bonsai master would be very impressed,
and nor was I. It was just too messy. And this is how it stayed,
until today.

It's a ghastly grey day in the UK.
I have been doing some samples of 'silver' paint effects for a client,
and they haven't been going well. While they were drying, I thought
I'd have another go at the tree.

I just lightly pulled and cut the tiny branches off and
 went back to the moss I had bought in the first place.
I used it on my 'nearly white' Christmas mantle posted here
but it wasn't being used now, so I salvaged it,
and 'third time lucky' - I really like it.

This moss looks so much more like little branches.

I just used my hot glue gun, and it was done in about 20 minutes.

I'm not going to spray it green - I like this faded out colour !
The total cost of this £2, not bad when you consider that I saw a faux
bonsai in a shop once and it cost £25 !!!

linking up with
Terrific under ten Tuesdays @ At Home With K
Take-a-look Tuesdays @ Sugar Bee crafts
Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays @ Coastal Charm
Tuesdays Treasures @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Show me what ya got @ Not Just a Housewife
Winter Blues Wednesday @ DIY by Design
Primp Your Stuff Wednesdays @ {Primp}
Strutt Your Stuff @ Somewhat Simple
Transformation Thursdays @ The Shabby Creek Cottage
Whatcha Got Weekend @ lolly jane boutique


  1. Do I just like everything you do? Now I'm sorting through my driftwood to find a piece that looks like a tree. I have the container. Pinning this one! ~ Maureen

  2. Fiona...amazing...creative...loving! Nothing's stopping you now!

  3. Wooow Fiona, where do you get all that creativity? I love it!
    But for some reason I don´t think it would look that good if I did it myself. (although I´ll try as soon as I get a nice branch)

  4. You now have a great piece to add texture and interest to any vingette. Wonderful idea!


  5. When I first started reading I was thinking eeek in a shocked kind0of-way but the tree looks amazing. Very creative!
    I've also tagged you in a round of TAG! You're It! for further info (if you've already played this, please don't feel obligated to play again :))
    x KL

  6. This is INSPIRED. I love this idea. So clever!!! I've always loved bonsais so I love that you made one with drift wood. I never would have thought to do that but I like how it looks. Thanks for sharing this!


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