
Friday, 22 May 2015

hangers, clipboards and book pages

My choices for my home are mostly fuelled by envy...............I've been hankering after trouser hangers, clipboards and using book pages somewhere for some time.
Other people have them and it makes me think 'I'd like some of those'.

An idea came to me for my landing after I found this mirror in a local shop for the knock down price of £12.99.
It's a bit small but I thought I could make a wall display, using the mirror as the centre piece.

First I sent off for three trouser hangers from the US. I love them all but two were identical and perfect for my display.

As I wanted eight clipboards, the cost of finding vintage ones was a bit prohibitive, so I chose new ones that worked out at around £2 each.

I cut up some old calendars that had colourful pictures of Islamic tiles and textiles (calendars are such a good source for decoupage and frame-able pictures).

I added book pages (not book pages that I had torn out of a book myself, as I still haven't managed to do that yet, but ones that I bought, a great selection for £5), and then added photos of places I've visited.

I put eight on the wall around the mirror, and left them for a couple of weeks but they just weren't right, I didn't feel happy at all, so I started again, and now I have this.

I've had the fruit and stamp pictures in my stash for years and years, I just tore them out of magazines.
I never read the article about the stamps, but they were painted by American artist Donald Evans, who made up a whole series of countries and individual stamps for each nation. They're fascinating and give the display the drama it so badly needed (and now I've read a bit about him, I feel lucky to have them).

I downloaded some graphics from this etsy site and got someone to print them on the book pages, I love the result. If I ever get bored with the current arrangement, I might change them all to printed book pages.

Oops, they're a bit crooked.

The maps came out of some other old calendars, so I just chose two of similar size.

The long piece at the top came from TK Maxx and used to hang over the picture at the end, but I felt it would help finish off the wall display.

I might hang something else to either side of the maps if I get inspired, but for now the view is a whole lot more interesting than before. 
My favourite parts are definitely the printed book pages, but I just discovered something on the back of one of the calendar pages......................

the date we picked up my dear little dog from the RSPCA in Brighton......January 10th 2007.

It was completely by chance that I chose this calendar page, but I love that it's here, because Rufie (Rufus) means the world to me.


  1. It is wonderful! Well balanced, just right.

  2. Oh Fiona...this is wonderful! My sweet husband occasionally gets wonderful calendars from customers and suppliers, which he then brings home to me. I have been wondering what to do with them! What a great idea!!

  3. You know Fi, I think we were separated at birth. I've got a stash full of all these things that I've been anxious to do this with. But not too anxious obviously because I haven't done it yet. Kick me. Your collection is lovely. I love the printed book pages. They are just so pretty.

  4. The new display is fun, colourful, interesting. I like that you mixed black and white shell and colourful apple prints.

  5. I too have recently been loving how others are using vintage clipboards and pant hangers. Your wall is a perfect example of how versatile they are....I love what you have done! I hung a clipboard on the door near my stove and now put the recipe I am cooking on it so I can keep referring back to great! I also found a bunch of pant hangers at a church rummage sale and grabbed them all up. Another blogger had embellished hers with scrapbook paper and lace so I recreated the idea in my way and they turned out fabulous!

  6. I love your display! It is so interesting! Nicely done.

  7. What a neat collection of prints to play around with and end up creating a masterpiece of pretty! Very cool, my friend!

    Have a wonderful week!


  8. It is so unique and so personal, you nailed it. And Rufus was able to contribute a bit to the mood as well.

  9. Those look great and I'm adding the word trousers to my list of words to use more. Trousers. I'm all caught up reading too on the garden adventures and I spied a little Rufie in a photo.

  10. I love this idea! I need to buy me some clipboards for my picture ledges in my stairwell. I've got stodgy old black frames on all our family photos, but the clipboards would work so much better for changing out photos whenever I want. Very clever idea!


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