
Friday, 28 November 2014

it's not Christmas yet !

While some of you will have had Thanksgiving, and many of you have decorated your homes, and written more than one Christmas post, I am the lunatic who has decided to decorate my hall, stairs and landing AND the toilet in a cupboard, right at the end of November.......

because it's not Christmas yet !

The quatrefoil grille on the rad cover has to go, I really don't like it any more. The rather pink display on top, that went ages ago, it was just too pretty.

We originally painted the walls in a pale blue - that's gone.

About 10 years ago I did the woodwork in a cream then aged it with a glaze - that's gone too.

That horrible carpet - gone - I'm going to paint the lovely old floorboards.

My favourite part of the hall ? The hook on the end of the rad cover for Rufie's leads, it's neat and tidy and makes me smile every time I use it - that'll be staying !

The landing ? Well cleverly I never took any photos of it, but it's pretty much the same but with an old bannister rail !

What will the colours be ? Well there's a clue in one of the pictures.

What's left to do ? A second layer on the walls, the topcoat on all the woodwork, virtually all of the toilet, sanding all the floorboards, painting and sealing them and a few little surprises.

Then there's Christmas decs to do here and at the café - wish me luck !!!


  1. Get on with it then. I'm dying to see!!!

  2. You go girl! Now I don't feel like I'm crazy for attempting to paint our kitchen over the next few days when I should be decorating for Christmas. I've got 4 days off in a row, so it's now or never.

    Is it the gray of the old book? I can't wait to see it all painted! You stained glass is amazing, too.

    I hope you have time to get everything done, Fiona!

  3. Hear, hear!! It definitely is NOT Christmas, yet, (although blogland and most of its inhabitants, seem to think so!), so, like you, I am taking my time, for it's still autumn, and last I heard, Christmas is in the winter! Thus, I will be enjoying - and not shortchanging - the fall; it deserves its full four months!

    Can't wait to see what you are creating! Haven't got a clue; tried to spot something in your photos, but nothing. For some reason, I see a very soft and subtle creamy grey here. Am I close?

    Happy weekend and happy painting!


  4. I like your narrow hallway and can't wait to see it all finished.

  5. I absolutely love painted floorboards-so gorgeous-so perfectly perfect....

  6. Oh, the stained glass in your front door is so lovely, I barely noticed anything else! You'll have to do a wonderful job to distract me from it. And you know what? I'm absolutemy sure you will!

  7. You go, girl! Is that a patch of the new color under the lightswitch? I am envious of your transom window!

  8. i'm gonna love the painted floor boards:) beautiful glass in your entry door, fiona! not sure about the color, i like vickie's guess--gray:)

  9. Oh I love your entry... cannot wait to see what you do. The snow always pushes us into winter before its actual time. I am so with Poppy in spirit but once you start digging yourself out of the driveway then you feel like you have said farewell to autumn.....unfortunately.
    Oh, I am curious about the colour.... and hey that door....FABulous.

  10. I'm not making great progress here getting Christmas decorations done, but that is the weekend goal. Good luck to you, I know the cafe will look fab!

  11. I like your entry, but I know you're gonna make it spectacular. Can't wait to see more!

  12. How exciting! I'm so eager to see what you do with your halls, stairs and landing, Fiona. You have exquisite taste, so I have no doubt it will be perfectly wonderful. Have fun! XO ~ Nancy P.S. It's almost the middle of December as I write this and I still haven't decorated for Christmas. Whatever I do will be very simple.

  13. Lovely blog Fiona! Finally found time to read and comment. We were talking in the cafe about us both blogging a couple of weeks back. Totally love your dog and home. see you soon when I next pop in, Gem xx

  14. I love your entry. So many beautiful and interesting details to begin with .xoxo


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