
Wednesday, 7 November 2012

free stuff !

We all love free stuff don't we !
Well, I get lots of free stuff from my bff Pandy and her mother. They are always offering me things that they no longer need or buying things for me that they know I will love.

The first few things came from this summer's Boot Fairs, sort of like an outdoor Flea Market, but literally setting up a table by the boot of your car.

Pandy knew I would love this coral, because of all the driftwood and shells that I drag back from the beach.
And she couldn't believe it when she found the lobster claw (for 50p) to add to my boxed collection.

I love these apothecary style jars with the square knobs.

A couple of months ago Pandy decided that she didn't want this great birdcage, too shabby for her, and although I have one already, this one is bigger and better.

And I managed to get the glass-topped table back from my ex. Although I originally bought the Laura Ashley fabric and made the tablecloth, it was like receiving more free stuff because this hasn't been in my possession for over 7 years !

Pandy's been buying cutlery for me too, because I've been working on those framed pieces to sell, but I just couldn't let go of this spoon. Is it a tea-strainer ? I don't know, maybe someone will enlighten me !

The last few things come from Pandy's friend Claire. She runs a business called Clutterbugs, where she helps people sort out their homes. One client of hers, a retired gentleman, gave her loads of things. She kept some pieces, gave some to Pandy and let Pandy choose some for me.

I can't imagine what the two of them kept because I'm sure I got the best stuff !

Oh yes indeedy, a fantastic set of scales.

A gorgeous jug (no maker's name on the bottom) that sits perfectly with the rest of my blue transferware.

A pretty papier mache box with china lid, because I have quite a lot of oriental pieces in my bedroom.

Who doesn't love a chicken or two hanging around the kitchen.

And lastly, well it's that time again. Time to start adding to my Christmas addiction collection, and Pandy knows my taste perfectly (no, these didn't belong to the retired gentleman !).

Yay for free stuff and generous bessie mates !

Note to Pandy - I don't just love you because you give me loads of great things, all the time - honest !
Linking up with Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays @ Coastal Charm


  1. SCORE! That scale is freakin awesome! That spoon is way cool. I can't tell the scale - if it is small you are probably right about it being a tea strainer (although those typically have a "top" to keep the tea in. If it is larger it is probably just an old version of a slotted serving spoon. I'm a little jealous of the bird cage. :)

  2. It's so exciting to get free stuff from the people you love and who love you. I LOVE everything you got..especially that scale. It is just so cool. What a great friend you have!


  3. I cannot believe they gave you the vintage scale!! What a fabulous piece! And the blue & white transferware jug is awfully pretty, too. Lucky you!

  4. Pandy did good, really good. My fav's.... the square top jars, different and cool - the scale, awesome - and of course the claw!


  5. Fiona - I love your posts they always make me smile :) - Lovin all your free stuff - CJ

  6. It's all great stuff but my favourite is the bone handle tea strainer thingy! Does Pandy want to be my friend, too? ~ Maureen

  7. You have written about Pandy before so I knew she was a good friend, but how sweet that she is always thinking of you. All of it is wonderful, but I have to say the scale is my favorite. Hope her friend keeps finding clients who want to unload.

  8. oh, i love the scales esp., fiona! what a wonderful friend, pandy, is ! sweet xmas ornaments, too! have a great weekend!

  9. Aren't you blessed with such good friends and goodies, too! Love your blog--and will love following!

  10. Stopping by from Coastal Charm to see your awesome score of treasures! Love that scale but all the pieces are great! Good friend!


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