
Friday, 16 November 2012

a little flora and fauna

When I recently posted about a kitchen I hand-painted earlier in the year, I mentioned some murals that I was going to do. Well I took a couple of days off work this week and made a start.
My brief for the first one - a heart with the client's initials inside and some flowers and birds (flora and fauna), to be placed over the bed in the master suite. I'm ok with flora, but not so good at fauna, but then over confidence is not a good thing anyway !

I made a rough sketch, but nothing too definite, as I always find that my ideas change slightly when working on a large wall.

I drew straight on the wall (apart from the birds, which I made a tracing of first) and then used tracing paper to give a mirror image, so that the piece would be balanced evenly over the bed.

Starting to paint is always the most enjoyable part of the job.

This is the finished centrepiece. On the right of the heart is the male bird holding a flower and looking back at the B for Belinda and at the female bird who has a ribbon round her neck (you've heard of artistic licence, haven't you !) and who is next to, and looking at Jose's J.

I added lots of ribbons and bows to the design to keep it pretty and had to add pink to the neutral and pale blue shades, to pretty it up some more. It wasn't difficult to see my client's taste, when looking at the bed linen and other things in their home, and I like to tailor my designs to suit each client specifically.



The client's love it, which is great, because I was definitely worried about those birds. It just provides an extra focal point to the room. 

I've started the next one, but have to go to work at the cafe till Tuesday now, so won't be able to finish it till next week. Although I won't have had a day off in about two weeks I really enjoyed doing this one - 'a change is as good as a rest' they say !!

linking up with
Tuesdays Treasures @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Cowgirl Up @ The Farmhouse Porch
What's It Wednesday @ Ivy and Elephants
Wow Us Wednesdays @ Savvy Southern Style
Primp Your Stuff Wednesdays @ {Primp}
All Star Block Party @ Full Circle Creations
Open House Party @ No Minimalist Here
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

if it weren't for you !

I have been looking for three cheap candles for my 5ft candelabra for some time. Recently I found some in my local supermarket for £1.oo each. This is a real result as all the others I have seen are about £6.oo each and I don't want to spend nigh on £2o.oo !

Only problem, they are very white, and if it weren't for you I probably wouldn't have bought them.
If it weren't for you lovely fellow bloggers I wouldn't have thought to give my candles personalised blankets !

Ok, this may not be your taste, this time it may not have been you, but somewhere, sometime, someone wrapped a candle, and I thank you.

So, I wrapped my candles too - in music sheets, ribbons and lace and treasured brooches.

Then I took off a bit of the lace and two of the brooches, because although I like ornate stuff, I'm not so good with too much pretty (although the princess who often sleeps in this room would probably love a whole lot more, preferably in pink !).

So I have another little part of the mini guest room finished and my parents candelabra that was once wired for electric light (and which I wrapped a metal garland round) fits in perfectly.
Not bad for the total cost of £3.oo. so thanks for the inspiration !
Linking up with Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays @ Coastal Charm


Wednesday, 7 November 2012

free stuff !

We all love free stuff don't we !
Well, I get lots of free stuff from my bff Pandy and her mother. They are always offering me things that they no longer need or buying things for me that they know I will love.

The first few things came from this summer's Boot Fairs, sort of like an outdoor Flea Market, but literally setting up a table by the boot of your car.

Pandy knew I would love this coral, because of all the driftwood and shells that I drag back from the beach.
And she couldn't believe it when she found the lobster claw (for 50p) to add to my boxed collection.

I love these apothecary style jars with the square knobs.

A couple of months ago Pandy decided that she didn't want this great birdcage, too shabby for her, and although I have one already, this one is bigger and better.

And I managed to get the glass-topped table back from my ex. Although I originally bought the Laura Ashley fabric and made the tablecloth, it was like receiving more free stuff because this hasn't been in my possession for over 7 years !

Pandy's been buying cutlery for me too, because I've been working on those framed pieces to sell, but I just couldn't let go of this spoon. Is it a tea-strainer ? I don't know, maybe someone will enlighten me !

The last few things come from Pandy's friend Claire. She runs a business called Clutterbugs, where she helps people sort out their homes. One client of hers, a retired gentleman, gave her loads of things. She kept some pieces, gave some to Pandy and let Pandy choose some for me.

I can't imagine what the two of them kept because I'm sure I got the best stuff !

Oh yes indeedy, a fantastic set of scales.

A gorgeous jug (no maker's name on the bottom) that sits perfectly with the rest of my blue transferware.

A pretty papier mache box with china lid, because I have quite a lot of oriental pieces in my bedroom.

Who doesn't love a chicken or two hanging around the kitchen.

And lastly, well it's that time again. Time to start adding to my Christmas addiction collection, and Pandy knows my taste perfectly (no, these didn't belong to the retired gentleman !).

Yay for free stuff and generous bessie mates !

Note to Pandy - I don't just love you because you give me loads of great things, all the time - honest !
Linking up with Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays @ Coastal Charm