
Monday, 18 June 2012

'cheap as chips'

I shouldn't really be spending any money, but I can't help it when you find something as 'cheap as chips'.

This phrase was really coined by David Dickinson, a flamboyant antique dealer, who has become a tv personality. Btw chips = fries if you're outside the UK. Dried potato or wheat based snacks, flavoured and sealed in air-tight bags are called crisps over here.
Crisps are obviously cheap too, but 'cheap as crisps' just doesn't have the same ring to it !!

So, here are some items I've found to be as 'cheap as chips'.

Musical sheets, maps and a tray - total £2.95.

The cute little tray, although a bit bashed was only 50p.

Love some of the graphics on these.

Recently I found this - a score board for billiards, £2.50. I've hung it over one of the doors in the kitchen.

I just like it's shabbiness.

I found four pretty tablemats in a charity shop for £3.00 but they were stained, so I didn't buy them. Then I was shopping with my old friend Pandy (a couple of weeks later) and they were still there and she insisted on buying them, saying that her Mum was a stain-remover-extraordinaire. She was right, and I love them and the pretty shade of pale grey. 

I got four of these as well, for £1 - cute little brown transferware saucers for my mini guest room.

And lastly, I didn't buy this. It was as cheap as chips, but it's not old and I'd prefer to make one.
Love that sentiment though.

linking up with -

Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays @ Coastal Charm
Knick of Time Tuesdays @ Knick of Time


  1. There's nothing more satisfying than getting something as "cheap as Chips" - love the old music sheets & what a great idea to put the billiards score board on the wall - love it. CJ

  2. I want the billiards thing, that's cool. What you making out of the sheet music? I have some too.


  3. Fun finds! I especially love that billiards score board-so unusual! Cheap as chips cracked me up :)

  4. You found some great things. Can we just talk about that phrase. I really love it. My husband is always saying it! x

  5. Love your finds. I have a thing for old sheet music too. But my favorite is teh billiards score board. LOVE IT!


  6. Such wonderful bargains! The prints on the music sheets are so preety! Can't wait to see what you'll do with them!

  7. oh, the score board is just awesome, fiona!

  8. Oh that sheet music is divine! I have not (yet) been able to find really cheap sheet music. I LOVE it, but sometimes it seems the people selling in over estimate its value and I'm too cheap to pay what they ask. That tray is pretty cool too....actually all this stuff works for me!

  9. Beautiful finds . . . cheap is always great! Love that sign too . . . definitely need that in MY kitchen!

  10. Terrific finds that no one could pass up, especially that score board. Love it!!
    Mary Alice

  11. wow I love your treasures but I really love the Billards score keeper. I'd love to find one of those. I found you via a blog hop and am now a new follower!:)

  12. Love the treasures and the phrase! Mind if I borrow it?



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