
Friday, 6 January 2012

Blog on Fire Award

Wow, my second award ! Stacey at flickerwhips very kindly passed this onto me.
Please visit her blog, she has a real knack for crafting things out of next to nothing, and also for finding thrift store treasures..

So onto the award. I need to tell you five unique things about myself and then pass it onto five other bloggers of my choice, so here goes.

1.   I didn't learn to drive until I was 42, and only passed in an automatic car, so I'm not allowed to drive a manual car - which is what most people drive in the UK.
2.   I can cut a deck of cards in half with one hand, and put the bottom half back on top of the top half without dropping any - it's my party trick !!!
3.   If you make me an instant coffee - I can taste the difference, if you put the milk in before the hot water or after. (Though frankly I'd prefer latte).
4.   I was adopted from about 6 months old. I used to tell my friends at school that I was a Turkish princess - lol. Please lots of lol'ing - of course no-one ever believed me.
5.   I really like fish, but never touch shell-fish. I don't like can't stand prawns, crab, lobster, oysters, cockles etc.etc.etc but I often wish I did - sometimes I feel like I'm missing out  (especially once, when I sat in an amazing fish restaurant overlooking Sydney Harbour Bridge).

So I would like to pass the award onto the following lovely ladies.
I would quite happily give this award to everyone, but I can only choose five.

Olga @stardust decor and style
She has a beautiful blog dedicated to promoting others, and showcasing gorgeous interiors.
AND she has given me invaluable help - above and beyond the call of duty !

Otter @ river critters den
Check out this extremely talented crafter and  amazing photographer.
Otter always leaves me lots of lovely comments and encouragement and I sincerely appreciate it.

Jen @a place to call home
Jen has a beautiful home, please go visit - I'd be round there all the time if I lived a little closer.
And thank you Jen for just being there - I think we are a part of a mutual appreciation society !!!

I have borrowed Tatiana's photos, as she has exquisite taste, not to mention a beautiful name.
Another charming blogging mate, I feel I can call a friend.

Please visit Layn and encourage her to do more crafts and DIY as she is very talented.
Just check out her lovely 'frames' and say I said 'Hi'.

I hope you all enjoy this award, and pass it on.
Love to you all
Fiona xxx


  1. Omg! You are the sweetest thing for thinking of me. And more importantly congratulations for winning this award, you totally deserve it, I'm so proud of you, and big things are coming!

  2. Awww. Thanks so much, hon!! I'm totally flattered that you liked my blog enough to award it. :)

  3. Thank you Fiona for the award! Totally appreciate it!
    Love, Olga

  4. Fiona! I am shocked!! I thank you so much for thinking of me, this is my very first Award and it has been really very nice of you.
    I enjoy your blog very much and you are too a great source of inspiracion for me.
    I have visited the other Award winners and it is an honour to share the Award with them. They all have excellent blogs and I am very glad to have met them all.
    Thanks again Fiona and congratulations to you too! I think this will be your blog year!

  5. AWWW!!!! Fiona, you are so sweet. Thank you! I have already passed the ball of flame on :-)



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