
Thursday, 1 December 2011

my first award !

The day before yesterday was a pretty amazing day in my little blog world. Firstly I won a calendar from which was totally unexpected as I hadn't entered anything - Rebecca just picked my name out from her followers ! And in a couple of days I will receive a beautiful magnetic advent calendar which she has designed !

Then I was sitting up in bed (way too late) and received a lovely message from my very good blogger friend to say that she had given me the 'Liebster' Award. What an honour, what a thrill and such a charming award to receive.

Liebster is a German word meaning 'dearest or favourite' and the award itself is meant to showcase up-and-coming bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. The acceptance of the award requires a few things of the winner -

- thank the person that gave you the award and link back to their blog
- copy and paste the award to your blog
- reveal 5 blogs you have chosen as worthy to receive the award and notify them by commenting on their blog
- request that those five bloggers will pay it forward by awarding the Liebster to bloggers they would like to honour

So - now I have a dilemma, most of the blogs I have found so far have hundreds, if not thousands of followers and this award really needs to go to someone who hasn't been blogging long.
My first choice would actually be Olga - she has been unbelievably helpful and I am always e-mailing her and asking questions but I must pay it on in a responsible way !!!

So, my first is Not because I just won a calendar but because her blog is full of lovely pictures of pretty things and because we both love pattern.

My second is This blog is full of tips and ideas for your home, and we obviously have the same taste in backgrounds !

My third is I just had to include an Australian blog. I lived there for about a year a long time ago and absolutely loved it and Mimi's blog echos that for me.

My fourth is Her design aesthetic is really focused and clear and the photos are always stunning.

 I decided on the fifth and published the whole post, went about sending messages and then found out that this lovely blog had a liebster award already so I will get onto it tomorrow. Once again it's nearly midnight and I need to get up early. I am afraid I'm still not very good at blogging - linked up to a party three times with the same post yesterday. I MUST DO BETTER. Night happy bloggers !

Oops. Please visit these blogs, make a comment and maybe add yourself as a follower - I'm sure it will make their day.


  1. Wow Fiona this is so amazing! Im truly honoured! I would be happy to receive the award and pass it on, although like you its going to be hard to pick! thanks again and i hope you receive your calendar soon, i would imagine it would be today!x

  2. Hi Fiona, A beautiful surprise when I read my comments this morning, thank you for choosing my blog to receive the Liebster Blog award. Love your calendar the colours are gorgeous. Mimi xx

  3. Thanks for reading my blog and nominating me!


It's always a pleasure to receive your comments. I really enjoy reading them, and a huge thank you if you are following as well !