
Wednesday, 24 July 2013

my fairy Godmother

Holly, over at Full Circle Creations has a 'free stuff fairy' in the form of her Aunt Barb, who brings her great stuff to turn into greater stuff.

Well I have a Fairy Godmother in the form of Pandy's mother. If you have been here before, you will know that Pandy and her mother are always giving me things. It's pretty constant and I know I am very lucky.
I think I'll call Pandy - the Fairy Princess, because she's into bling (way too much) she's into pink (way too much) and she's into perfection (definitely way too much for me !).

Luckily the Fairy Princess is in Spain at the moment, so she won't be reading this !

Anyway, I digress.

About three weeks ago my fairy Godmother gave me possibly the biggest present you could give someone, aside from a house, or a boat.

Yes, she gave me a car !!!

This lovely silver Ford Fiesta Ghia with leather upholstery in almost perfect condition.

Everyone in the family upgraded, so they had a spare car, and very generously, they decided that I needed one, because I was driving round in a very old, rusty and beaten up Vauxhall Corsa.
My poor little car was on it's last legs. I was told in January that it would only last about a year, so she went for scrap !
I am definitely very lucky and very grateful and LOVE LOVE LOVE my new car !

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

for Bliss

If a friend has a party, you really wanna go, right !

Then you realise it's a Christmas party in July !


You can't be thinking about Christmas, it's an unbelievably hot summer in the South of England, and Christmas is way off, like about 6 months lol !

But it's a friend, a special friend who many know and love, so you TRY to think of something.......................

Then you have lightbulb moment and you give it a go.
Giving it a go lasts all of one minute and you decide you can't be bothered, coz IT'S SUMMER and pottering in the garden seems like loads more fun.

Then stupidly you mention to the party host - the one that you know (coz there are actually three party hosts), that you had a little idea but probably won't get round to !

Then you know that you have made a true friend, a friend that you would love to meet someday (and so would many others, so you'd have to get in the queue) because she starts bossing you around !

She starts telling you what to do and how to do it, and just come to the party anyway.

So, how can you let a friend down, especially a bossy one !

Then you do something that all good friends do, you completely ignore her and go back to your original idea.

Last Christmas I created some no cost decs for the beach cafĂ© where I work ..............................

so I had a little idea to start on this years decorations, using the vegetable crates that I keep bringing home.

Carefully take one apart with some pliers. Rip it coz you don't have the patience to do anything else.
Hot glue gun six pieces together, stamp Merry Christmas on it in different languages, add some little stars.
Then photograph it all over your house to make it look like you've made loads.

Feel happy that you made it to the party and didn't let your friend down and ALSO that you made a start on Christmas 2013, because actually it turned out ok, and what's more, it was completely FREE.
(Apologies Bliss, I tried to make a driftwood reindeer as you suggested, but it didn't look nearly as good as your log reindeer, in fact it was rubbish. Do I get an A* for effort ???).

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

my front garden

This was the front of my house, when I bought it more than ten years ago.

There was a lovely Canadian maple growing over the front of the house, but it grew from a neighbours house, and unfortunately they cut it down.
(Sorry about the poor quality of the photos, I don't have a scanner, so they are photos of photos !).

I didn't like the ugly black box hiding the gas metre, or the grass, or the non-evergreen plants, that I knew nothing about.
Up till then I hadn't even owned a house plant !

So we (me and the previous old  geezer) changed it
to this -

A pretty patio, with lots of blue plants, delphiniums, clematis, lobelia, felicia, and some Mediterranean style plants, a parlour palm and cordyline. I also painted the gas box to match the bricks !
And we changed the door to this -

I drew up the design and we knew someone who did stained glass, but it was the previous old geezer's very
good idea, to have all the door furniture chromed.
As my lovely blogger friends know, when I moved back here recently, I took a picture of my little old house.
But I couldn't wait to fill up my window boxes, and put some pot plants out.

The gas box has faded somewhat, so I need to paint it again; and the plants have grown somewhat !
And I had great fun, cleaning up the patio with a jet spray last week (a present from the usual place).

Jet spray fun


 I would love to buy a whole lot more plants, and I have an old dustbin I'd like to use, but all in good time.
I also love the view of my garden from the living room.
And I'm really enjoying going to garden centres again, learning about plants again, and remembering all their names.
And nothing much is happening inside, because I'm working on the back garden now.
At least for once, here in the UK, the weather is great !
Before and after - almost the same view !
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